Select one of the several Air Leak Test methods for your leak testing requirements. Air Leak Testing involves a family of test methods including pressure/vacuum decay, mass flow, and bubble immersion using air as the test gas. These methods represent the most common and simplest methods used in production leak testing, although implementing these methods is not always simple. These techniques are capable of measuring leakage “outside-in” or “inside-out” under vacuum or pressure conditions. Leakage is measured by creating a pressure differential across the test part and measuring the pressure rise or drop using a pressure transducer, the actual flow using a mass flow meter, or visually identified by the presence of bubbles.

LACO's family of Air Leak Testers can be configured to one of many air leak test methods and are available in two models:

  • AURA Compact – a low cost, high performance, standard air leak test instrument
  • AURA Multi-Test – a high performance standard leak test instrument that can be customized to meet your unique application

Select from one of the categories below to learn more about our Air Leak Test solutions.

AURA Systems Update:

Dear Customer,

As a leader in production leak testing technology, LACO continues to develop solutions to meet the needs of many industries and applications. In order to focus on bringing the most innovative products in tracer gas leak detection, LACO has decided to discontinue manufacturing our line of AURA air leak testing instruments.

Effective March 31, 2023 we will no longer accept orders for the AURA family of products. We will continue to offer technical support, parts, and service for these products for years to come. For new applications, we will be happy to provide recommendations and referrals to meet your air leak testing needs.

We look forward to continuing to provide helium and other tracer gas leak testing solutions

LACO Technologies, Inc.